Our interactive music groups are about community and connection, where people of all generations make music together.
Current projects include "Music for Wellbeing" (formerly Singing for the Brain) and "Alive and Singing". Find out more by clicking below....

Our joyful SAWChristmas Celebration 18th December 2024 with Wells City Band

We are two freelance music leaders with specialisms in leading community singing, Early childhood music and drumming. We have a mission to get more singing and music making onto social prescription as there are so many proven benefits to people's health and wellbeing. You can read more about us on our About Us page.
Our first community singing group set up in 2019 brought members of the community together in an intergenerational weekly singing session which always left everyone uplifted and energised for the week ahead. Older members enjoyed the company of babies and vice versa!

Hover over video to listen
Our projects have been kindly supported by Somerset Skills and Learning, The Somerset Community Foundation and The Mendip Communities Fund.